Mass Effect Fanfic Where the System Alliance Invades the Turian Homeworld

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Turian Hierarchy vs Modern Earth

  • Thread starter Tyzuris
  • Start date


I hope that one day I can put down my sword...
  • #1
The Turian Hierarchy picks up radio signals sent from Earth and decides to make humanity their client race by force. They send in fleets containing dreadnoughts and their mission is to make Earth and Humanity part of the hierarchy. Do you think that Humanity stands a chance at repelling the invasion? Notice that Turians can use anything available to them except bioweapons like genophage (That's the Salarian's stuff) or Thanix cannons because that's not available to Turians before Sovereign got his squid butt kicked. So asides from Thanix cannons and bioweapons no nerfing down the Turians.


Dakka Accumulation Specialist
  • #2
One of the two combatants has control of orbit.

Spoilers: Its not us.

One of the two combatants has technology that will have the other scrambling over each other to get hold of to solve their myriad problems, even if it means signing onto an alien empire as a slightly "lower class".

Spoilers: Its not us.

The war will last as long as it takes the Hierarchy fleet to park in orbit and go ""Sup."

  • #3
We'll surrender after some demonstration orbital strikes.
  • #4
Sure we have nukes orders of magnitudes more potent than what Turian dreadnoughts can output.

The Turians have GARDIAN and ships so maneuverable they can virtually tap dance.

Good luck hitting any of them with Nuclear XASERs as they just rain down small dog sized chunks of metal from orbit until humanity wisely surrenders and accepts a position as a Client polity.

Those who kept on fighting against such a massively superior foe with no intention of outright genocide will be remembered for letting their pride bring on their destruction while the rest move on with a substantial jump in living conditions and find that being a client race of the Turians isn't all that bad.

  • #5
There's absolutely nothing stopping the Turians from sitting in orbit and bombing us into surrender, to say nothing of pulling a Terra Nova.


Dakka Accumulation Specialist
  • #6
The only way humans are going to be able to inflict any casualties on the turians is by attacking troops they station on the planet.

Which they won't because the boots on the ground will be handled by human governments who agree to work with the turians.

  • #7
We literally have no way to retaliate - even slightly.
No greatly obvious fatal weakness towards our advantage.
Unlike so many different fictional settings we don't have a (visible) magical gap of blatant incompetence.
How could Earth possibly manage this?
We facing the absolutely lowest (sub kiloton) calculations we lack realistic odds.
  • #8
And even if that ground war without orbital assets our chances of winning still near zero. We certainly have not seen Artillery or tanks in the Mass Effect series. But for some reason I doubt that our troops are better. As to what we know. Turians to stomp our foot soldiers in the ground and Turians are unlikely to suffer from the loss of a soldier. Weapons of mass effect is more powerful and probably more precise. And the personal shields do Turian actually invulnerable to handguns. Well maybe except for large calibers.
Sublime Truth
  • #9
If you removed the Turians capabilities then I say our chances rise a bit more, the real loser is the ME galaxy in the long run.

Really, the thing ends when the Asari get pissed off and bitch slap the Turians politically for enslaving a race and bombing them for no reason. The Salarians seeing that the Turians are possibly going to go all Krogan on the galaxy start black ops operations and decide that Humanities track record and obvious hate to the Turians will make them good replacements.

The Destiny Ascension proceeds to come into play and the two remaining powers force the Turians down after a stand still for several hours.

The Turians leave the Citadel in protest and Humanity is made the poster child for why imperialism is bad. And everything gets worse as Humanity has a hard time truly adapting the galaxy.

By the time Sovereign arrives, the reapers find out that the galaxy is in such disarray that they might as well let them fall into chaos and start over.

Of course this is assuming that the Asari and Salarians have the balls to stand up to the Turians and enforce Council policy, and this is also assuming the entire Turians are with the plan for enslaving us.

Regardless of if we allow Orbital bombardment, Humanity, Turians, the galaxy as a whole loose in the long run.

  • #10
The only possible way Humanity can fight back is to literally go cry to the Asari. Like, blubbering tears and snotty nose, all that shit.

Seriously, the Turian Hierarchy is like the 1950's daddy who is willing and able to smack the redheaded, unwanted stepchild that is Humanity unless said redheaded stepchild goes crying to the nice mother-like Asari Republics, who will do either one of two things. 1) Smack the Hierarchy upside the head for bullying the minor races and become the nurturing mother with a pair of nice tits to them like they do with every race they find or 2) not give two shits.
And then uncle Salarian gets involved when he finds the Prothean cache underneath the floorboards of Humanities room, proceeding to get involved in all this shit.

Hell, this could be a sitcom.

  • #11
I wonder how the Turians would react once they come across the ME games...
  • #12
The only possible way Humanity can fight back is to literally go cry to the Asari. Like, blubbering tears and snotty nose, all that shit.

Seriously, the Turian Hierarchy is like the 1950's daddy who is willing and able to smack the redheaded, unwanted stepchild that is Humanity unless said redheaded stepchild goes crying to the nice mother-like Asari Republics, who will do either one of two things. 1) Smack the Hierarchy upside the head for bullying the minor races and become the nurturing mother with a pair of nice tits to them like they do with every race they find or 2) not give two shits.
And then uncle Salarian gets involved when he finds the Prothean cache underneath the floorboards of Humanities room, proceeding to get involved in all this shit.

Hell, this could be a sitcom.

Probably was.

Mass Hetalia.

  • #13
We quickly inform the Turians that on Earth we resolve all conflicts with wet t-shirt competitions, and quickly slip a note with the latest stack of bills the Council signs that all galactic war shall henceforth be resolved in this manner.

Now, as Turian females have no bewbs, Earth wins by default. Hooray!

  • #14
If you removed the Turians capabilities then I say our chances rise a bit more, the real loser is the ME galaxy in the long run.

Really, the thing ends when the Asari get pissed off and bitch slap the Turians politically for enslaving a race and bombing them for no reason. The Salarians seeing that the Turians are possibly going to go all Krogan on the galaxy start black ops operations and decide that Humanities track record and obvious hate to the Turians will make them good replacements.

The Destiny Ascension proceeds to come into play and the two remaining powers force the Turians down after a stand still for several hours.

The Turians leave the Citadel in protest and Humanity is made the poster child for why imperialism is bad. And everything gets worse as Humanity has a hard time truly adapting the galaxy.

Er, what? :wtf:

Conquering a single primitive planet would hardly be seen as "going all krogan". The salarians would be idiots to start a cold war with the turians just for that. And the humans would hardly be "good replacements" for the turians, considering we don't have the huge interstellar navy and knowledge with technology. The conflict would be way too insignificant for the asari to pull the Destiny Ascension away from the Citadel, and not nearly enough grounds for the turians to leave the Citadel. And if the asari and salarians really cared that much about this backwater planet, then the turians would probably back down before tensions got to the point where the turians leave the Citadel (and considering that the turian navy is about as big as the salarian and asari navies combined, there's as much chance that the turians would kick the salarians and asari off the Citadel as there is the opposite).

That's what happened with the in-universe conflict between the Systems Alliance and the turians, after all. After the Alliance retook Shanxi, the turians started gearing up for all-out war. This caught the attention of the asari and salarians, who stepped in to make contact with the Alliance and mediated the conflict. But that was only after the Alliance had shown the ability to fight the turians evenly and drive them back. The war to take Earth would probably be over before the asari and salarians know about it. At worst, you'd get a situation like the Eastern Bloc in post-World War 2 Europe. Yeah, the United States and its allies didn't like that the USSR was essentially occupying half of Europe. But the USSR was already there, and what could the USA do about it? They couldn't take away the USSR's seat on the UN Security Council or anything like that. Ultimately the consequences of taking action outweighed the ramifications of just leaving Eastern Europe to the USSR. I wouldn't expect asari and salarians to do anything much different than that.

  • #15
I wonder how the Turians would react once they come across the ME games...
No, no, how would they react when they see the worst of Mass Effect fanfiction and rule 34.
  • #16
No, no, how would they react when they see the worst of Mass Effect fanfiction and rule 34.

Genophage Mk II.


Dakka Accumulation Specialist
  • #17
If you removed the Turians capabilities then I say our chances rise a bit more, the real loser is the ME galaxy in the long run.

Really, the thing ends when the Asari get pissed off and bitch slap the Turians politically for enslaving a race and bombing them for no reason. The Salarians seeing that the Turians are possibly going to go all Krogan on the galaxy start black ops operations and decide that Humanities track record and obvious hate to the Turians will make them good replacements.

The Destiny Ascension proceeds to come into play and the two remaining powers force the Turians down after a stand still for several hours.

The Turians leave the Citadel in protest and Humanity is made the poster child for why imperialism is bad. And everything gets worse as Humanity has a hard time truly adapting the galaxy.

Because this is exactly what happened in canon when even more political capital was at stake with a spacefaring spec- wait not it didn't.

Sublime Truth
  • #18
Because this is exactly what happened in canon when even more political capital was at stake with a spacefaring spec- wait not it didn't.
Yes, because it is not like the Turians had a reason to invade, in this they are clearly attacking a primitive species instead of openign channels for diplomacy.

No laws were broken, and if the Turians open fire with kinetic impacters on a garden world, one that is the homeworld of a primitive species, then the rest of the Citadel will have to act.

M3 Lee
  • #19
Assuming that the other ME races will get involved at some point, I'm assuming as long as we put up good resistance against their ground forces long enough, they'll eventually have to call it off. Kind of like the Vietnam War; they could beat us, but they wont be allowed to if we fight back long enough.
  • #20
We lose their at Earth Modern Earth we are cave men to them. On the Ground in the Air from Orbit we are their bitches it doesn't matter we have nothing to handle them from the ground.
  • #21
Assuming that the other ME races will get involved at some point, I'm assuming as long as we put up good resistance against their ground forces long enough, they'll eventually have to call it off. Kind of like the Vietnam War; they could beat us, but they wont be allowed to if we fight back long enough.
What are we going to do to ships that can all but tap dance around any sort of nuclear missiles we can throw into space while raining death from up high constantly blaring out "Do you give up now?"
  • #22
The question here is: What would they use us for?

The Volus are their bankers because Turians are great at war and shit at finances. What exactly does humanity bring to the table?

Is it porn?

I bet it's porn.

M3 Lee
  • #23
What are we going to do to ships that can all but tap dance around any sort of nuclear missiles we can throw into space while raining death from up high constantly blaring out "Do you give up now?"

If theyre just trying to exterminate the rats sure, maybe. But if they are trying to conquer us theyre going to have to get boots on the ground, and even if we cant win full battles, we can make them suffer an unacceptable attrition rate to what theyre trying to do.
  • #24
If theyre just trying to exterminate the rats sure, maybe. But if they are trying to conquer us theyre going to have to get boots on the ground, and even if we cant win full battles, we can make them suffer an unacceptable attrition rate to what theyre trying to do.
When they see that the terms of being a client state aren't really all that bad and are extremely beneficial in lots of places and the price of refusal is getting slugs dropped down at relativistic velocities constantly we may just be the boots on the ground for them.

Not to mention that due to their kinetic barriers and significantly more powerful fire arms, as well as their everything just being grossly superior, I doubt the ground war will go our way at all. I predict that one Turian Soldier will easily be able to kill entire squads of his human counterparts without slowing down.

M3 Lee
  • #25
When they see that the terms of being a client state aren't really all that bad and are extremely beneficial in lots of places and the price of refusal is getting slugs dropped down at relativistic velocities constantly we may just be the boots on the ground for them.

As popular as that notion is in a lot of scifi, it just doesn't really work very often in the real world. Think of how many small countries have fought back constantly against invaders despite the offer of democracy or some other lifestyle that the invaders felt sure they would find more vastly more appealing than their current way of life, and despite the threat of round the clock aerial bombardment and vastly superior ground forces.
Not to mention that due to their kinetic barriers and significantly more powerful fire arms, as well as their everything just being grossly superior, I doubt the ground war will go our way at all. I predict that one Turian Soldier will easily be able to kill entire squads of his human counterparts without slowing down.

Could you describe these "kinetic barriers"?

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Mass Effect Fanfic Where the System Alliance Invades the Turian Homeworld


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